We're Preparing for Your Flight
Thank you for placing your flight booking with us. We are here to support you throughout your journey. In order to successfully plan and operate your flight/s, we do require further information from you. Be rest assured that your personal information remains confidential at all times and will only be shared with third parties necessary for the operation of your service.
To avoid unnecessary delays with immigration, kindly complete the Online Passenger Information Form with the requested information. It is our responsibility as the carrier to ensure that all passengers are travelling with valid passports and visas, however we also require that this information is appropriately received. For this reason, it is of utmost importance that the form below is completed and sent to us 72 hrs prior to departure. The Captain will cross-check the original passports / visa’s in a respectful manner upon arrival of the passengers against the ones received by yourselves.
Your Final Flight Brief
The final flight brief, confirming the tail number, crew names and contact number will be sent to you at least 24 hours prior to the flight. We may send you an interim Flight Brief before this time to assist you with your planning etc. This will contain the relevant information on where to meet your crew etc.
Dangerous Goods
We kindly draw your attention that, generally, our operators are not Dangerous Goods approved carriers. No Dangerous goods shall be allowed on board. For more information about the list of prohibited articles, please refer to the List of Prohibited Articles below.
Passenger Information Form (Compulsory)
For groups larger than eight, please contact us directly.